Nevil Shute Reading Copies

Many of Shute's books are out-of-print in this country. Some are easy to find, others are not. We try to maintain a stock of all of his books in paperback and hardcover, but some of them are difficult to find. Most Shute fans can eventually find nearly all his titles through dogged persistence over a period of year in used book stores or at library sales, etc. However, if we can help you fill in the gaps we are happy to do so.

Below is a list of Nevil Shute titles. As you probably know, some of his books have "double titles", i.e. they had different titles in the USA and England. For example, A Town Like Alice was called The Legacy in the USA. We have indicated these "double titles".

Prices range from $10-$30 depending on the condition and scarcity of the book. We offer discounts when you purchase multiple titles. Also we keep your requests on file, so that we can notify you when a title comes in if we do not have it in stock. Please use the e-mail button below to send us your requests and specify whether you are interested in paperbacks or hardcovers.

Nevil Shute Titles         

Beyond the Black Stump

Chequer Board

Far Country

In the Wet

Kindling/Ruined City


Lonely Road


Most Secret

No Highway

Old Captivity

On the Beach

Ordeal/What Happened to the Corbetts


Pied Piper

Rainbow and the Rose

Requiem for a Wren/The Breaking Wave

Round the Bend

Slide Rule

So Disdained/The Mysterious Aviator

Stephen Morris

Town Like Alice/The Legacy

Trustee from the Toolroom

Vinland the Good


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